There is going to be a General Election on 12th December. And for the first time in a generation, there is a true choice…
…You have a chance to make a real difference

Since the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party and the massive growth in support at the last election,  there is now a real chance to put a stop to the endless cuts to services, loss of jobs and increase in work insecurity. At last we can end ‘Austerity’, privatisation and the asset-stripping of our country and start redirecting resources away from the 1% to ordinary people…

The Labour Party once again offer a real alternative – for a government that will look after all of us and not just the wealthy. There has been a huge misjudgement by those in power – they thought that we were all so brainwashed that they could close our hospitals and sell off our services for profit, cut school funding and leave our children without proper schooling, turn the countryside into a building site for second homes, cut pensions & freeze nurse’s pay, cut support for the poorest and most vulnerable in our community and we would just swallow it…

But just how brainwashed would we need to be to willingly vote for a party that is going to do all this and more?

The Tories thought they could blame the decimation of our society on the fabrication that there is not enough to go round and that ‘we’ need to tighten our belts and save money – that we would believe that the best we can hope for is to grab what little we can and to hell with anyone else – refugees, the disabled, the poor and anyone else who can’t scrabble hard enough for the crumbs that spill from the tables of the increasingly wealthy (and increasing number of) billionaires…

The fact is that, for the first time in a generation, we at last have a viable alternative to the more of the same business-as-usual, free-market, poor-punishing, globalised, planet-destroying feeding frenzy…

It’s time to turn the tables – this time they have pushed us too far in their arrogance and contempt – their days are numbered.

So show your support and join the Labour Party – now the largest political party in Europe!

…and Vote Labour in upcoming elections

Your Vote (finally) Counts!